Case Studies

To give you an accurate idea of how and when our services are applied and the types of projects we have been involved in, we have compiled a selection of case studies that illustrate the common problems our services are employed to rectify, including poor air quality, dampness, mould, etc.

The importance of delivering fresh, filtered air into a high-rise apartment building cannot be underestimated – especially in a bustling city like London. That’s because the capital city has struggled with illegal levels of air pollution for many years. And when you consider that the air quality inside a building can be two to five […]
It’s summertime, and the living is easy – unless you’re one of the many people who suffer from overheating in their living spaces. Since no one enjoys suffering through summer as a hot and sweaty mess in their own home, we will show you how we overcome the problem of overheating in living spaces. In […]
NO₂ pollution from road traffic is a significant problem in cities across the UK. Here are some stats that you might find alarming: NO₂ pollution can cause asthma, lung cancer, heart disease and dementia, so we must do everything we can to reduce our exposure to it. That’s where Cool Runnings comes in. We specialise […]
Modular Modern Construction (MMC) is a construction method that involves assembling prefabricated modules in a factory setting before transporting them to the construction site. This approach has recently gained popularity as it immensely reduces the carbon footprint associated with the construction process, also minimising the logistics element. One such project that utilised MMC is the Ten […]